Thursday, April 10, 2014

Director from OKA visit Portugal in order to the kick-of-meeting of Senior Activator Program

The Eugenio de Almeida Foundation has received on the 23rd and 24th of  January the Director of Oka, F. Tóch András, at Évora.

This kick-of-meeting between the staff of Eugenio de Almeida Foundation and OKA was meant to start this project that  will allow the exchanges between 6 volunteers from Hungary and 6 Volunteers from Portugal.

The main requirements for participation in this project: to volunteer with 50 + years knowledge of English and willingness to receive training and perform 3 weeks volunteering in Budapest (Hg) or Évora (Pt).

Pic: Tania Silva (EAF), F. Tóch András (OKA) and Henrique Sim-Sim (EAF) at Head Office o Eugenio de Almeida Foundation

Senior Activator Program - Learning for best community practices

The Senior Activator Project’s goal is the development of the senior volunteer programmes in Portugal and Hungary. 

Eugenio de Almeida Foundation and ÖKA -  Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány, want to involve the seniors as much as possible in volunteer programmes and in the same time develop (and support others in developing) new programmes that can involve and serve seniors.  In the project 6-6 volunteers will have the chance to take part in the mobilities, which will be organised in the cultural, social and educational fields. 

Both organisations are deeply involved in volunteer development and both realized the importance of senior involvement. 

Through the involvement of these seniors and the connection of the two organisations a great collection of good practices will be created. We strongly believe that getting to know and the adoption of the already existing solutions for social problems in the two different local contexts will be mutually beneficial.

This project is funded by Grundtvig, Long Life Learning Program - Senior Volunteering Projects